Sunday, July 10, 2011

Day 12: Sunday, July 10, 2011

Today we slept in…until 11:00.  We were able to sleep in because Gerardo was on vacation and wasn’t preaching, so we didn’t go to church.  We had a lazy morning and afternoon at home with the family.  Then about 1-ish, Horacio showed us how they grill.  It looks like an indoor fireplace but higher, like our grill height.  It is separated into two parts, one smaller, for the burning of the wood or coal, then a larger one where they have a grate and do the grilling.  We had Natalia, her husband Luciano, and their baby over for lunch.  Horacio grilled a TON of food.  They first bring out choripan which is a sausage on a bun.  Then Horacio would go outside and get some meat off the grill.  We’d eat that and then he’d go back out and do the same.  It was an endless amount of meat.  I only had one round, but Paul was loving it and had many, many rounds of meat!  Then we sat and had coffee, mate, and cookies for a bit.  Natalia and Luciano stayed for a while until 7ish.  It was nice to have a relaxing day after getting back from our mini-vacation in a vacation! 

1 comment:

  1. how much would it cost for me to come join you??? Sounds like you're having a blast and seeing so many cool things. Especially a lot of good soccer, I'm very jealous!! Enjoy the rest of your time there, I'm sure it feels like it's going fast!
